Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Some of you know that Derek and I recently paid a visit to the USC Fertility clinic in Los Angeles. All of the tests we took came back normal. And the doctor could not see anything that concerned her. This was great news for us. Though I hopped on line and some couples were more distraught by this instead. Because, this meant the doctors would not be able to truly advise on which path to take next. Please continue to pray for us as we are full of hope.

Recently, we made a not so surprising discovery about my general health that was beneficial to changing my life. During my initial consultation with the doctor, I shared my medical history as well as some stories about passing out after eating certain types of pastas. This alarmed the doctor who very strongly stated she believed I might have celiac disease and advised me to be tested. People with this autoimmune disease have damage to the small intestines. Wheat is seen as poison by the body and consequently, the body attacks itself in the intestines. I have since removed gluten and wheat from my diet and my life has drastically changed. I wake up early in the morning without feeling fogged in the head. I go to sleep at the end of the day not having to take two hour naps after lunch... usually filled with gluten...; AND, now I'm more efficient and productive in my day. Most people take naps to feel rested. My naps were clearly a result of my body hating something I put into it. It has been an amazing contrast. I had originally desired to get tested right away, however, enough research shows a correlation to celiac disease and miscarriages. So, we've decided since we're trying to get pregnant, that we'd just hold off on getting tested; this way I won't have to go back to the foods full of wheat and gluten so that the test results can be valid. Plus, I'm already happier, I don't even really need the test to know that having cut that stuff out has made such a difference. This past year has really been a year of solving some mysteries. Derek keeps saying he has his wife back. And Josh isn't screaming for his mom to wake up from her long nap. They say that pregnancy can often trigger certain allergies or make some allergies worse. This would explain why in just the past few years, I seem to be extremely sensitive to wheat and gluten. Whereas, prior to that, it would only affect me from time to time.

It has been exhausting though. Before this hurdle, we found out last year that I had severe sleep apnea. I have since had a mouth piece made that I wear at night which pulls out my jaw so that my breathing is not AS obstructed. I no longer snore and gasp for breath in the middle of the night. And initially, we saw a huge difference in my day as well. We quickly found ourselves baffled again when I'd crash in the middle of the day. We weren't sure if it was from insufficient oxygen through the night or from something I ate. Now we know that it was the gluten in my diet.

THANK YOU to all of you who have been praying for us. We know it hasn't been easy watching us agonize over all of these medical concerns for me. I personally have been so blessed by so many of you who have come up to me to offer words of encouragement. Whether it was, "I'm praying for you. " or "I was thinking of you and here is a verse. " to making an adorable knit hat and tying a little card with the word HOPE on it. I am so fortunate to have family and friends who have reminded me when I am downcast that the Lord is good and He loves me.

Joshua has also been a source of encouragement to us. Over the course of these past couple of years he has periodically mentioned wanting a little sister. Sometimes he'd declare that he'd want ten brothers and sisters. What faith! What hope from this little one. I remember after my first miscarriage when we started trying again, he and I would pray for a sibling at bedtime. On one of those occasions he prayed, "Dear God, please give me a little sister. Amen. " And as soon as he uttered AMEN, he looked up and and quickly looked all around his room and asked me, "Where is my baby sister? " Lately, he's been saving things around the house declaring he'd use it or open the package when his sister arrives. God has been gracious to bring hope through such instances as these. : ) We are all the more grateful for our not so little anymore Joshua. He is such a blessing. Above is a photo of him running at the beach in November of 2006. He was not quite 3 years old. My cute little man.

Josh, we love you. We're so proud of you. And God was so gracious when he gave you to us. You were the best surprise, EVER!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Late night with Bethany, Adelee and Leroy

Well, as i had mentioned, I just started blogging a couple of days ago.  I'm so excited to begin this wonderful world of blogging.  I imagine this will be a venue in which I can document my life, explore my creativity and share it with those around me. 

Oh, and how in the world would I ever have managed without my dear friend Bethany steering me in the right path. Tonight we created my blog page with beautiful colors, breathtaking textures, and romantic fonts.  She did all this clicking and periodically asked me about colors and font preferences ... and before I knew it, it was perfect.  We had so much fun!  Yes, sweet Adelee was as cute as ever.   I think I might eat her the next time I see her.  : ) And poor Leroy couldn't get to sleep with all the clicking and chatting taking place.  Thank you Bethany!

I can't wait to share about the life God has given me, and the grace he pours down on me every single day.  My life is His!   Bonjour and Happy 4th!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

First Time Blogger Woes

So, better late than never i suppose. I finally got around to setting up my blog. I know, I know, the title is a bit of a tongue twister...but it means "once upon a time..." in french. I thought it would be fitting since I often start with that phrase when conjuring up a story at bedtime with my son... no, not in french, in English.  Can you see josh trying to say "il etait une fois"?  I'm so tired from all the different buttons i clicked on tonight and all the editing I had to do so that what I was trying to say would be somewhat intelligent and comprehensible. And for those of you who know me... you know I have to be completely exhausted by this orientation to the blogging world. So, Bonne nuit! That's "good night, it's way past my bedtime", in French.