Friday, July 4, 2008

Late night with Bethany, Adelee and Leroy

Well, as i had mentioned, I just started blogging a couple of days ago.  I'm so excited to begin this wonderful world of blogging.  I imagine this will be a venue in which I can document my life, explore my creativity and share it with those around me. 

Oh, and how in the world would I ever have managed without my dear friend Bethany steering me in the right path. Tonight we created my blog page with beautiful colors, breathtaking textures, and romantic fonts.  She did all this clicking and periodically asked me about colors and font preferences ... and before I knew it, it was perfect.  We had so much fun!  Yes, sweet Adelee was as cute as ever.   I think I might eat her the next time I see her.  : ) And poor Leroy couldn't get to sleep with all the clicking and chatting taking place.  Thank you Bethany!

I can't wait to share about the life God has given me, and the grace he pours down on me every single day.  My life is His!   Bonjour and Happy 4th!


Bethany said...

Oh Lily, I had so much fun too. And I think you picked BEAUTIFUL things for your blog. You are fun to crack code with. HEE HEE. Can't wait to read all you post. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I came via Bethany's blog. Good job guys, the blog is beautiful!